Use Cases
3 Days
developertesterproduct ownerscrum masteranalyst

In this program, participants learn to create good use cases at editorial, structural and content level. This program starts with defining requirements, its structure in form of use cases and continues on to explain what makes them good or bad. Program includes examples and hands-on including anti-patterns and grooming.


Program is primarily for Analysts and team members who are directly involved with requirement maintenance


Participants must have experience of iterative or incremental SDLC as requirements analyst, business analyst, product owner, scrum master or member of such team.


  • Define System
  • What is Requirement?
  • Problems and Opportunities
  • Organization in context
  • Analysis Vs Design
  • Stakeholders and Vision
  • Functional and Supplementary
  • Glossary
User Cases
  • Case of use
  • Priority, Names, Numbers
  • Mapping to hierarchy
  • Tests and Acceptance Criteria
  • Actors
  • Elements of use case
  • Use case templates
  • Complete anatomy
  • Basic Flow
  • Alternate Flows
  • Exception Flows
  • Pre-conditions
  • Post-conditions
  • Use case diagram
  • Extension and Inclusion
  • Generalization
  • Multiplicity
  • Events
  • Packages
Use Cases
  • Structured English
  • Organizing with map
  • Tests and Acceptance Criteria
  • Grooming
  • Structured English
  • Use case smells
  • Principles
  • Correct, Complete, Verifiable,
  • Unambiguous, Executable,
  • Traceable, Feasibility
  • Priority
  • Strategy
  • Business and Root Cause Analysis
  • Stakeholders
  • Develop use cases
  • Solution Validation
  • Vision and Glossary
  • Workshop, Brainstorming, Q&A,
  • Interview
  • Priority, Names, Numbers
  • Guidelines & checklist
  • Complexity Management
  • What Vs How
  • Modularity and Simplicity
  • One at a time
  • DRY
  • Hierarchy
  • Abstraction
  • Version Control
  • Information Analysis
  • Data Dictionary
  • Reification
  • Archetype
  • Business Rules
  • Modelling And Visualization
  • Text Vs Model
  • Flow and Activity
  • Block diagram
  • Class Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • State Machine
  • Interface
  • Decision Tables and Tree


Scope/Project/Expectation management, Tooling, Detailed UML, User Stories, Unrelated areas of Agile/Scrum

Anything not mentioned in Topics

Software Requirements

Word Processor

Internet Requirements

Good unrestricted internet connection is required.

Hardware Requirements

Laptop capable to run MS Office

Classroom Requirements

Projector with HDMI, White Board, Markers with Eraser

Online Requirements

Appropriate meeting software e.g. Zoom, MS Teams Please make sure that camera, speaker and mic are working

If you have any query, please contact now.